Learn English – Correct English words for trade ‘source item’ and ‘destination item’


First of all, I hope I'm on the correct site asking a question, usually I'm around on Stack Overflow itself.

So here's the story: I am designing a database table involving trading and I'd like to use the correct words, the table involves at least:

  • A user that wants to trade his item.
  • The item he wants to trade, codenamed sourceItem for now.
  • The item he wants to trade his item to, codenamed destinationItem for now.

What are the correct English words for sourceItem and destinationItem? I sadly don't even know it for Dutch (my language), so cannot translate it either.

Edit to clarify: I am looking for the genuine English naming of the words I've asked, I am not looking for a variable name or something of that kind.
I'm sorry if this question looked too much like a "How should I name this variable?"

Best Answer

When bartering, one party "offers" to trade. If the other party accepts this "consideration" the trade is "complete". The transaction is described as a "bartered" exchange.

Offer n. an expression of readiness to do or give something if desired.

Consideration n. a payment or reward.

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