Learn English – Correct preposition for ‘feature’


Which preposition would follow the verb 'feature'? For instance, which would be correct?

"A, B and C feature in the top 5 positions"


"A, B and C feature at the top 5 positions"

I'm leaning towards in but just want to confirm.

Best Answer

The preposition used is not affected by the verb used, but by where the action is directed.

For example one can run in a race, and one can run at a wall.

So it is similar with the verb feature. One can feature in a performance or feature at a place. E.g.

Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers feature in Shall We Dance.


...the only exception being the tip of a spear featuring at the upper left corner [of the image]...

So the question you need to ask is are A, B and C in something or at something? The answer lies in the word position. One can both be at a position, and in a position. This can be confirmed by looking at the definition of at which can be defined as in, on or near.

However it is most usual to write that something is in a position, with respect to ranking, as can be seen from this NGram:

NGram of "at first position" vs "in first position"

So to be easily understood by the most people I recommend using:

A, B and C feature in the top 5 positions

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