Learn English – Correct punctuation in company names


My father's company is named the following:

Xyz Trading Co. (L.L.C.)

I find the use of periods excessive, at the abbreviation of company and the last period in the parenthesis.

Is it grammatically correct?

Best Answer

It is grammatically correct, as L.L.C. is an acronym, and Co. is an abbreviation; but it is certainly not the only correct option. LLC is far more common than L.L.C. in company names, though Co is not as popular as Co.

I would therefore expect to see:

Xyz Trading Co. LLC

For examples, you can google "co llc" (google ignores caps and punctuation), and see what comes up.

Wikipedia has a discussion on the use of punctuation with acronyms and abbreviations; generally, either way is grammatically acceptable (with few exceptions), though periods are definitely not as popular.