Learn English – Could one use “our” and “we” in a formal essay


I'm finding it hard to replace personal pronouns in a formal essay. My sentence:

To illustrate this more carefully, we will take the example of the 58th Presidential Election of the United States and examine the role played by media ethics in the election.

How could I change that? Any help!

Thanks! 🙂

Best Answer

To take unnecessary pronouns out of sentences, rewrite them so that the real subject is doing the acting. In your case,

The role played by media ethics in the 58th Presidential Election of the United States illustrates this.


The role played by media ethics in the 58th Presidential Election of the United States is an exemplary illustration of this.

In both cases, it feels like replacing 'this' with a specific statement of what it is you're illustrating would be better, but that could be due to the absence of the preceding sentence.

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