Learn English – definition of ‘but until’


What does but until in a sentence mean? I came across the phrase in a sentence that sounded almost exactly as this:

He was a great person but until he started caring for other people's feelings.

I have found another example of sentence, tweeted by Rupert Murdoch. His tweet was:

Maybe most Muslims are peaceful, but until they recognize and destroy their growing jihadist cancer they must be held responsible.

A compact explanation to this tweet would be real handy.

Best Answer

There is no phrase "but until". There are two words, but and until, which can be looked up in a dictionary.

Your second sentence could be rephrased as "Maybe most Moslems are peaceful. However, until..."; the main verb is must be held.

The first sentence is ungrammatical. If you have remembered it correctly, the writer mistakenly inserted "but" or (more probably) omitted "not"; you should remember that many writers are in a hurry on the Internet, and typos, infelicities and even grammatical errors do occur (even, occasionally, on EL&U).

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