Learn English – Describing something which is simultaneously boring and depressing


There is a special kind of experience which is not only boring but also depressing. However, I don't mean things which are so boring that they are depressing, i.e their depressing nature stems from just how unbelievably boring they are (I suppose I'd describe something like that as "depressingly boring").

Of course, not all things which are depressing are boring (cf. Requiem for a Dream, American History X). However, there are some things which are so boring and depressing that each quality seems to amplify and feed off the other in an unholy symbiosis. This is the difference between e.g. listening to a sad, boring person drone on for two hours about accounting practices and listening to said person drone on for two hours about accounting practices used by some government to launder money which is used for torturing and killing people.

How can I describe something like this (e.g. with a particular adjective, phrase, whatever) without writing a whole paragraph like I just did?

Best Answer

Consider bleak (MWD)

  1. exposed and barren and often windswept a bleaklandscape bleak soils
  2. cold, raw a bleak November evening
  3. a) lacking in warmth, life, or kindliness :  grim a bleakprison documentary b)  not hopeful or encouraging :  depressing a bleak prognosisa bleak outlook the future looks bleak c) severely simple or austere a bleak hotel room
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