Learn English – Descriptive word for someone who sees the world in black and white


Trying to think of a characteristic trait for someone that sees the world in black and white…almost like decisive / moralistic / ethical but not quite. Things are black and white, there's no gray area, something is either wrong or it's right. Their opinion on what is right vs wrong isn't necessarily correct (this person actually has a very skewed perspective on morality) but they stick to their own convictions.

Best Answer

He could well be a Moral Absolutist:

Moral absolutism is an ethical view that particular actions are intrinsically right or wrong. Stealing, for instance, might be considered to be always immoral, even if done for the well-being of others (e.g., stealing food to feed a starving family), and even if it does in the end promote such a good. Moral absolutism stands in contrast to other categories of normative ethical theories such as consequentialism, which holds that the morality (in the wide sense) of an act depends on the consequences or the context of the act. (-- Wikipedia)