Learn English – Difference between “buy” and “purchase”


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Are buy and purchase synonyms in every aspect/context of paying money?

What I thought that these terms were unit-based:

  • if you pay for a single unit (1 cigarette or 1 pkt cigarette), then it's buy
  • if you pay for bulk (a truck load of cigarettes), then it's purchase

In other words, purchase is for wholesale, buy is for retail.

Please correct me if this is completely wrong. Please provide the word for the situation for the same context I described.

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Difference Between has:

Buying and Purchasing:

  • are two terms that are often used interchangeably. The words essentially have the same meaning, but they do differ in context. However, in modern usage, they are considered as synonyms.

  • Essentially, both the terms mean to acquire something against money. However, there is some difference between them, specifically regarding the contexts in which they may be used. Buying is considered a general term, which is most commonly used to refer to everyday goods and commodities, while, purchase is considered to be a more formal word than buy. Purchasing is often used to refer to contracts and big products, whereas buying is inferred for small products. For example: ‘I purchased a piece of land’ or ‘The government purchased a huge defense contract.’ However, ‘I bought a new phone.’

  • Still, it must be noted that in daily usage, the terms are synonymous. For example: I bought a new book. I purchased a new book.

Dictionary.com defines buy as:

  • to acquire the possession of, or the right to, by paying or promising to pay an equivalent, especially in money; purchase.

and purchase as:

  • to acquire by the payment of money or its equivalent; buy.
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