Learn English – Difference between ‘casualty’ and ‘victim’


I thought that "casualty" means a person who is hurt due to an accident, war etc. Or an accident itself.

But in these examples "casualty" is used in a more general context, doesn't look like there is any war or accident implied:

1.The environment was often the first casualty of rapid industrialization and its preservation should therefore be given due
2. I won't allow myself to become another casualty of these people.

Can "casualty" really be used outside the context of accidents, wars etc?
If so, what's the difference between "casualty" and "victim"? Can those be used as synonyms?

Best Answer

One of the differences is that victim is a role, ie how we are viewed by ourself or others. Compare these alternatives:

2a. I won't allow myself to become another casualty of these people.

I won't allow myself to be hurt by them.

2b. I won't allow myself to become another victim of these people.

I won't allow myself to be hurt by them AND/OR I don't want to think of myself as being a victim, ie to take on the victim role in my relationship with them.

"Casualty" doesn't have this connotation.

I think that in your first example you could use "victim" without changing the meaning.