Learn English – Difference between Emend and Amend


What's the difference between the verbs to emend and to amend? They both have the same definition on Oxford Online Dictionary as follows:


Make corrections and revisions to (a text): 'these studies show him
collating manuscripts and emending texts


Make minor changes to (a text, piece of legislation, etc.) in order to
make it fairer or more accurate, or to reflect changing circumstances:
'the rule was amended to apply only to non-members'

Best Answer

JoseK is correct that the meaning of emend is confined to textual alterations, and that amend can be broadened to include the general improvement of other things. Still, amend is mostly used in the sense of improving text. If you're talking about fixing a rip in a shirt, you would be better to just use the word mend; to amend the shirt would sound strange. The Constitution of the U.S. may be amended (as it has been) but if the actual document itself were damaged and required restoration I don't think anyone would say the team that did the work amended the Constitution.