Learn English – Difference between ‘Forgetting’ and ‘would forget’ in this sentences


Is there only an issue of style difference between the following sentences:

  • If he had to describe himself in five words, he'd say he's curious,
    forgetting to give you four more words.

  • If he had to describe himself in five words, he'd say he's curious.
    And then forget to give you four more words.

Does it make sense to think that the second example emphasizes that he has forgotten to give four more words, rather than that he is curious?

Note: I'm not sure whether the first one is grammatical, and the second one is very hard to understand for a non-native English speaker.

Best Answer

Well, I would imagine that the first one would not be a valid sentence - without a proper buffer :

- If he had to describe himself in five words, he'd say he's curious - forgetting to give you four more words.
- If he had to describe himself in five words, he'd say he's curious WHILE forgetting to give you four more words.
If he had to describe himself in five words, he'd say he's curious **and "forget"** to give you four more words.

However from usage point of view - the one which makes the most sense to me is a hyphen, the other choices being a comma and a semicolon. But the hyphen brings in with it greater physical distance between the clauses - and seems about right as per the flow of sound is concerned.

Note: I declare that I am not an academic - and might not know what I am talking of; hope this makes a certain amount of sense to you.

And I think that after this being done - the two expressions are merely a question of style.

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