Learn English – Difference between ‘haven’t …yet’ and ‘didn’t…. yet’


I was wondering what the difference was between a sentence with have and one with do.
For example this one:

  • They haven't started yet.
  • They didn't start yet.

Is there a difference?  When would one use the first or the latter?

Best Answer

Wikipedia has a decent article on past tenses that explains a lot of this. To summarise:

"They didn't start yet" is the negative form of the simple past, "They started." In the positive form it indicates that the activity happened at some definite known point in the past, and is over and done with now. In the negative form this is a more nebulous idea, but in this example it would imply that "they" were supposed to have started at some time. In view of that, "They didn't start yet" sounds odd. "They didn't start" is a complete idea, and "yet" tries to extend it in time in a way that the simple past doesn't allow for.

"They haven't started yet" is the negative of the perfect tense, "They have started." As the article puts it, it is "used for describing a past action's effect on the present." It more or less requires that the idea gets extended in time, which "yet" does nicely.