Differences – What is the Difference Between ‘Irascible’, ‘Fractious’, ‘Irritable’ and ‘Atrabilious’?


It seems that they can all mean "easily provoked to anger"

irascible:Easily provoked to outbursts of anger; irritable.

fractious:Irritable; argumentative; quarrelsome.

irritable:1.Capable of being irritated. 2.Easily exasperated or excited.

atrabilious:1.Characterized by melancholy. 2.ill-natured; malevolent.

Best Answer

  1. irritable: On the verge of anger or frustration - usually used when the condition is relatively temporary or short-lived. Ex: "She's very irritable, it must be that time of the month."

  2. irascible: Argumentative, curmudgeonly - Describes a more permanent character flaw. Ex: "I won't shop there anymore, the owner is irascible."

  3. fractious: Someone who seems to be argumentative because they thrive on discord - a "shit-stirrer". Ex: "Sure, go ahead... Invite Marge to be on the committee - all committees need a fractious element."

  4. atrabilious: Don't know. Never heard it. Never read it. Pretty sure it wasn't on the SATs.

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