Learn English – Difference between “substantive” and “substantial”


My professor has asked us to give a substantive presentation in order to complete a course. I needed to look up the dictionary as this was a new word for me. Dictionaries do not point to a clear difference between substantive and substantial. How do these words differ in terms of the usage? Their etymology is the same, so this is a matter of usage, I guess.

Best Answer

Beyond the dictionary definitions, something that is


must have some substance to it, must not be trivial, must be meaningful. It is probably not simply pithy (on the short side), but still needs some support.

Something that is


needs bulk to it (in comparison).

That is, in quantity, 'substantial' is more than 'substantive', but substantive is not brief.

Another way to say this is that 'substantial' is a lot, and substantive has been filled out.