Learn English – difference between “vice”, “deputy”, “associate”, and “assistant” as descriptive job titles


When vice, deputy, associate, or assistant is collocated with a job title, such as vice manager, deputy manager, associate manager, assistant manager, I wonder how to rank or differentiate their levels. Or, they sometimes can be the same, can't they?

Best Answer

Vice refers to the one who is next in command! And its usage is usually confined to a small number of people, whereas Deputy also refers the same but it is confined to considerably large number of people.

For example: There would be just one or two vice presidents under a president! On the contrary, there can be many deputy engineers under a manager.

Associate refers to someone who is usually not as high in the cadre as Deputy/Vice but of someone who is of equal level in being a sub ordinate & Assistant being the least in the cadre of the above mentioned!

So if you are looking to differentiate, it would be something like this,

Vice = Deputy > Associate > Assistant