Learn English – Differences between “pig” and “hog”


What are the differences between pig and hog? The writer of this article wrote them consecutively, separated by only a comma. Searching Google images result in the same type of animal. The differences between pig and boar are clear though.

Best Answer

Actually, in current usage, "hog" and "pig" means pretty much the same, although there is a slight difference in semantics among pig breeders or famers:

The words "swine," "hogs," and "pigs" refer to animals of the porcine family or pig family. The term swine can also refer to the pig family in a general way, and "pig" can be used in referencing young animals. "Hog" will generally refer to animals at or nearing market weight or finished for market.

So, "hogs" referred to grown-up pigs. Why, in the first place, was two different words? It seems that, from Wiktionary, "hog" used to have a slightly different meaning:

Hog" originally meant a castrated male pig. (Compare "hoggett" for a castrated male sheep.)

But that usage is no longer common. Kind of Archaic.