Learn English – Do “here” and “hear” have the same phonetic transcription in the same country


Is there any accent that makes a distinction when pronuncing “here” and “hear”?

From Wiktionary:

  • Here

    • (UK) /hɪə(ɹ)/
    • (US) /hɪɹ/
  • Hear

    • (UK) /hɪə(ɹ)/
    • (US) IPA: /hiːɹ/

So, according to that, US accent pronounce in a different way “hear” and “here”.

According to Dictionary.com, hear and here are pronunced /hɪər/, and according to updn.com, both are /hɪr/ /hɪr/.

Having in consideration that Wiktionary can be edited by anyone, is there any place in the world that makes a difference when pronuncing these words?

Best Answer

Some parts of the South, including the part of Kentucky I grew up in, "here" gets pronounced in the UK manner with the schwa and without the 'r' (and as two syllables), while "hear" gets pronounced in the US manner without the schwa but with the 'r'.

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