Learn English – does ‘A’ in ‘Easy A’ (movie) mean “ei”


English is not my first language. I have just watched the movie Easy A. I understood its content a little bit but I don't understand what the title means.

I often hear many Native English speakers put the sound "ei" after an adjective when they express the degree of an attribute of a certain thing, something like,

  • 'it's easy ei',
  • 'hard ei',
  • 'cool ei',
  • 'she's good ei',
  • 'he's bad ei' …,
    especially in Australia.

Does 'A' in Easy A mean "ei"?

Best Answer

"A" does not mean "ei" in this context, it means a high grade one gets in school. ("A" for excellent achievement, "B" for above average, "C" for below average", "D/E/F" for fail, depending on the school.)

The phrase "Easy A" is a common slang expression in the US meaning a subject in which one can get high marks without trying too hard.

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