Learn English – Does “shake his booty” mean “shake his butt”? And does it make it more attractive


I seem to see the phrase "shake his booty" being used to say something is good and attractive. But does it mean "shake his butt"? And if they are the same, why does "shake his butt" seem a somewhat distasteful action, but "shake his booty" all of a sudden becomes somewhat glamorous?

Best Answer

"Neither is glamorous! "Booty" is American slang for buttocks but almost universally refers to that of a woman. "Butt" is also slang for "buttocks" but does not imply gender. Moreover, "booty" has overt sexual overtones (and is, in fact, slang for having sex in some cases), whereas "butt" is not. (A parent might refer to his/her child's butt, but never the child's booty.) You may be hearing the term "booty" in pop music lyrics or even some forms of pop journalism, but it is not considered a professional, polite, or glamorous word.

As far as I know, the origin of the term is int he term for a pirate's treasure, called his "booty". The metaphoric link is to a woman's "treasure", I think.