Learn English – due to vs because of


I know the 'due to vs because of' issue has been tackled here before, but I hope anybody can help me with this specific issue:

Should it be: 'The tournament was cancelled due to disappointing weather conditions.' or

'The tournament was cancelled because of the disappointing weather conditions.'

Swan's Practical English Usage states in its 166th entry: 'Due to the bad weather, the match was cancelled.'
'Because of the bad weather' seems like an adverbial clause in this sentence, therefore I have a preference for 'because of' in this case. Please correct me if I'm wrong!

Thank you very much in advance!

Best Answer

To answer your question: "Because of..." is correct. "Due to..." is wrong.

"Because of" modifies a nominal (i.e. a noun, pronoun or noun phrase), not a verb.

"Due to" means "caused by". So another way you could express your idea is "The cancellation was due to the disappointing weather."

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