Learn English – English word for someone who often and unwarrantedly imposes on others


What is an English adjective for someone who figuratively and metaphorically "takes a lot of room", that is, takes more, or asks more, than their share of things? For example, someone who goes on a trip and takes a lot more luggage than others even though there is limited space, or a roommate who asks you to take care of some of their chores even though they don't reciprocate as often?

We have a word in Portuguese (folgado) which literally translates into something like "slacky" or "loose" (folga means "slack" in Portuguese) or "spacious" but I could never find a good English translation.

"Taking one's sweet time" communicates a similar idea although folgado is more general since it is not necessarily about time. "Imposing on someone" is also related.

This question is related but seems to be focused on money and resources, so again my meaning is more general.

Update: Formal alternatives are definitely helpful, but additionally I was looking for something on the informal and even slangish side of things. English seems to have a lot of formal alternatives (mentioned in the various answers) like inconsiderate or self-serving, but I've always struggled to find a more relaxed, between-friends way of expressing that frustration.

Best Answer

Such a person could be said to be entitled (feeling like they're owed a better deal than they give to others), or potentially a freeloader (someone who doesn't perform their fair share of the responsibilities, who isn't pulling their own weight)

The suggestions of self-serving, or taking advantage imply that such behaviour is deliberate, manipulative, & malicious, rather than merely inconsiderate or thoughtless

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