Learn English – Equivalent of “both” when referring to three or more items


What would be the correct word to use when referring to three or more items, in the same manner as the word both?

For example, using two words, with the word both:

"There are several recommendations I
have to further improve the sites —
both to improve their profit, and
decrease their cost."

Using three words, with a blank space in place of the correct word:

"There are several recommendations I
have to further improve the sites —
_ to improve their profit, decrease their cost and improve their

So, what would be the correct word to use in place of the __?

Best Answer

At that point I'd probably pick out one of the list for special attention using "not only ... but":

There are several recommendations I have to further improve the sites, not only to improve their profit but to decrease their cost and improve their usability.

I'd cut that down further, though:

I have several recommendations to improve the sites—not only to improve their profit, but to decrease their cost and improve their usability.