Learn English – Eulogy : Praise , what would be an equivalent to “criticize”


Usually a eulogy makes the dead person sound a lot more impressive
than they really were.

  • A couple of less common synonyms for this kind of "praise the dead"
    speech are panegyric and encomium.

Is there a similar noun (phrase) when the dead person is chastised and

Best Answer

The obvious negative counterpart of eulogy would be dyslogy. Merriam-Webster's Eleventh Collegiate Dictionary (2003) doesn't list that word, although it does have an entry for dyslogistic:

dyslogistic adj (1812) : UNCOMPLIMENTARY

On the other hand, dyslogy does appear in the Collins Online Dictionary, with the following definitions:

dyslogy noun 1. the fact of criticizing or condemning 2. the aspects suggested in processing information and liable to be at the root of mistakes made in thought processes

If dyslogy seems a bit arcane or unsettled for your purposes, you might consider (besides the options ScotM suggests) the words malediction ("CURSE, EXECRATION"), execration ("the act of cursing or denouncing"), and denunciation ("an act of denouncing; esp : a public condemnation"). All of the parenthetical definitions in this paragraph are from the Eleventh Collegiate Dictionary.