Learn English – “Forget” vs. “would forget” vs. “forgets”


Is the format of this sentence correct:

If he had to describe himself in 5 words, he’d say he’s curious. And then forget to give you 4 more words.

There were some conflicts between a colleague and me, whether or not the sentence should be one of the following:

  • If he had to describe himself in 5 words, he’d say he’s curious. And would then forget to give you 4 more words.
  • If he had to describe himself in 5 words, he’d say he’s curious. And then forgets to give you 4 more words.

Best Answer

The first thing to say is that you might want to change ‘he’d say he’s curious’ to ‘he’d say he was curious’, because it’s reported speech.

‘And then forget’ is an ellipsed form of ‘And then he would forget . . .’ and there’s nothing grammatically wrong with it (‘then’ can come before or after ‘would’).

In the example

If he had to describe himself in 5 words, he’d say he’s curious. And then forgets to give you 4 more words.

the tenses are out of sequence. For it to work, you’d have to change the verb forms in the first sentence and say

If he has to describe himself in 5 words, he says he’s curious. And then forgets to give you 4 more words.