Learn English – Formal alternative to ‘Hopefully’


Does there exist a one word alternative to 'Hopefully' in the sense of 'I am hopeful that' or 'I hope that' which can be used in a formal document? I believe 'hopefully' is rather informal or common in spoken usage rather than written text, although some source like merriam-webster tend to disagree.

Best Answer

More formal substitutions for "Hopefully" vary entirely on where it appears within your correspondence. (You wouldn't use "hopefully" or any synonym for a law or contract.) Consider the following:

Dear Karnn;

I have received your question, and hope that this answer meets your needs. Hopefully, you will find it a superb answer and accept it as such.



Since "hope" is a rather informal message not always appropriate to business communication, we can substitute it entirely.


I have received your question, and believe that this answer meets your needs. Ideally, you will find it a superb answer and accept it as such.



Of course, the conversational style of writing demonstrated above is in itself rather informal, and for a more-formal correspondence all ambiguity and polite niceties would be entirely eliminated, leaving nothing but clear declarations.


I have received your question and written this answer in response.

Doug M

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