Learn English – “former” vs “last” as in “the former, only and last husband”


I was reading a book and found this expression:

[…] my former, only and last husband.

Could anyone tell me what are the differences between former and last in this case?
Also, would former and only suffice to express this idea?

Best Answer

I presume you know the definitions of former, only, and last.

They all mean what they usually mean. However, when used in series like this, it serves as a means of intensification. It does clarify that she has no intention or ever remarrying, but it's emphatic. It is a variation on the more common first, last, and only series.

Someone who hears "He is my only child" will know that the child was also the first and last child. However, "He is my first, last, and only child" makes it crystal clear that the speaker feels strongly about something (without context, I'd guess her child was enough for one lifetime.)

Similarly, my former and only husband clearly means he was her last husband; only and last means former husband as well, but the three in a series indicates something about the mood of the speaker. Clearly she means to say something not only about her husband, but also about the institution of marriage. If not, she could simply have referred to him as her ex-husband.

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