Learn English – gender neutral phrase or expression to replace “old woman”


There are people who behave like the stereotypical old woman who frets over the smallest concern and is constantly cautioning others about physical dangers. Such people can be either sex and barely middle-aged.

They always click on buy travel insurance when booking an airticket, they regard a ladder as akin to a 5.14 climb. They are obsessed with germs. They are uncomfortable beyond the confines of a 4- star hotel. They set up absurd procedures "in case anything happens" (I don't mean writing a will). They cancel their indoor tennis game if there is one inch of snow on the ground. The males make an enormous deal out of a broken leg.

Maybe they are mainly women, and maybe they are middle-aged or older, but is there another term (phrase, expression or word), one that is gender neutral?

They can be very nice people, but they are dismissable as "old women". Even I do it in my mind (never out loud) and I don't like that in myself.

There are/have been many great old women — Jane Goodall, for example, and Golda Meir and many others — and there will be more as people retain physical and mental strength deeper into old age. But there will still be a phrase needed for the "timid, over-cautious, dithery, person whose overriding goal is safety. I'd like a gentle term that could be used with humor but that will rachet down the twittering and fluttering whenever a competent person starts to do something that makes them nervous.

Best Answer

If you want to characterize their fears as excessively focused on unlikely issues, you could call them a worrywart:

: a person who worries too much or who worries about things that are not important m-w.com