Learn English – “God’s own country”


According to Collins-Robert English-French Dictionary by Beryl T. Atkins, Alain Duval, and Rosemary C. Milne, ed. 1985, manufactured in the United States of America by Rand McNally & Company,

(US) God's own country ** les États-Unis


(**) indicates that the expression is used by some but not all educated speakers in a very relaxed situation. Such words should be handled with extreme care by the nonnative speaker unless they are very fluent in the language and are very sure of their company.

Per Oxford Dictionaries Online:

God's [own] country

An area or region supposedly favored by God, especially the United States regarded in this way.

Example sentences

It is the laxity of the authorities which has led to such a situation in the God's own country.

Visitors sometimes ask if this is supposed to be God's country or something.

Of course, the irony was all the sharper because these events had taken place not simply in God's country, but at summer camp.

My question is, what's the story behind God's [own] country? Is this expression most commonly used among people who believe in God?

In other words, would it sound strange (unusual) or out of place to hear such words coming out of the mouth of a self-declared atheist?

Also, is Collins-Robert's comment fact, that such phrase might be perceived as offensive by some, and as such should be handled with extreme care unless one is very sure of their company?


These are the related explanatory notes to Collins-Robert English-French Dictionary found in the beginning of the book.

(*) indicates that the expression, while not forming part of standard language, is used by all educated speakers in a relaxed situation, but would not be used in a formal essay or letter, or on an occasion when the speaker wishes to impress.

E.g. gobbledygook*; it's a piece of cake* (Brit), it's a walkover*; to make a bolt for it*; he's pretty hot* at football.

(**) indicates that the expression is used by some but not all educated speakers in a very relaxed situation. Such words should be handled with extreme care by the nonnative speaker unless they are very fluent in the language and are very sure of their company.

E.g. to be done**, be taken for a ride**, be had**; bigwig**

(***) means "Danger!" Such words are either "swear words" or highly indecent or offensive expressions which should be avoided by the nonnative speaker.

E.g. to screw***; you bloody fool!***

Best Answer

Speaking as an American: People sometimes say, "You should visit such-and-such a place. It's beautiful there. It's God's country." It almost always refers to natural beauty. To the extent that a person means it literally, he means, "this is a place that particularly showcases God's creative power".

BTW I don't think I've ever heard it said as "God's own country", but always simply "God's country".

While many Americans believe that America has been particularly blessed by God, we don't say "America is God's country" or "God's own country" to express this idea. I'm rather surprised by the definition and examples you quote, because I don't think I've ever heard the phrase used that way. Of course I can't say that no one, anywhere, ever said that. But it's not common usage today. And I've read plenty of old books and I've never noticed it being common usage from the past. And as a right-wing Fundamentalist who routinely associates with others of like mind, you'd think that if anyone was using these words this way, it would be me and my friends!

I'm a little suspicious of those example sentences, especially the first one, "such a situation in the God's own country". No fluent English speaker would say "the God's". It would just be "God's". "God" with a capital "G" is a proper noun and thus does not take an article. So where did this sentence come from? Is it something an American actually said? Or something that a non-American thinks is the sort of thing an American might say? Which, of course, is highly unreliable.

One wouldn't have to be a Jew or a Christian to use this phrase. Lots of other religions believe that there is some sort of God. I'd be surprised to hear an atheist say it, as it implies a belief in God. Atheists generally avoid phrases that refer to God, except when used as a swear word. I suppose an atheist might think of it in some literary or metaphorical sense.

I don't see why this phrase would be considered offensive. Of course there are people who go out of their way to find things to be offended by, so I suppose an atheist could declare that he's offended by the mere mention of God. But if you're going to avoid saying anything that might even indirectly imply that you disagree with another person about any conceivable subject, you'll have a hard time speaking at all. Perhaps someone could be offended that you think that your home is somehow special to God in a way that his is not. But again, this is quite a stretch. If you simply said, "Oh, my homeland is a beautiful place with lovely trees and mountains", would he scream, "How dare you say that your homeland is beautiful! Are you saying that mine is not?" That would be pretty irrational. Not to say that people aren't irrational.