Learn English – “greater”, or “greater than”, in a dropdown


This is more a matter of usage and common sense than anything, but I'm faced with the following problem. I have a dropdown with things like greater, equal, between, and then a field where numbers can be entered. So it basically looks like this:

[dropdown ^] [__number_field__]

The idea is that you select the appropriate option from the dropdown, enter a number in the field next to it, and then the associated search would look for things that have that a value eg. greater than 5, as in this example:

[greater ^] [__5__]

The options in the dropdown are:

  • equal
  • not equal
  • greater
  • greater or equal
  • less
  • less or equal
  • between
  • is empty

Technically, when we use these in full sentences, we use them with "to" added after each equal, and "than" added after each "greater/less" – and of course we use "and" between the two values mentioned in the "between" case.

But is it ok, in a form, to use these without the to/than/and? To me it looks weird and off (possibly because I read things in my inside voice when I read – which I know is a bad habit – and it sounds weird and off), but is it perhaps common usage to skip the preposition?

Best Answer

This is probably a UX or GD question, but here goes...

No, it's not comon usage, and there's really no need to unless space is at such a premium that "greater than or equal to" won't fit (in which case you might consider "at least" for that one, and "at most" for "less than or equal to").

Dropdown from Microsoft Excel 2003

[ Microsoft Excel 2003 Conditional Formatting dialog ]

As you say, these are read as sentences: "Cell value 1 is greater than or equal to value" and truncating it offers no benefit and actively harms readability.

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