Learn English – Help me understand the word ‘deflect’ in this sentence


Belanger dances with an undemonstrative panache that draws one's attention as if by seeking to deflect it; through finesse and understatement, he manages to seem at once intensely present and curiously detached.

This is a question in my GRE text book. There are 2 blanks, and you can choose the words given to best fit the blanks. I have put the correct words in the sentence, in italic.

I think I do not understand the phrase '…by seeking to deflect it'.

Best Answer

The reason the two choices (undemonstrative panache and deflect) go together is that undemonstrative emphasizes that the dancer isn't attempting to show off his talent.

Rather than draw in the audience's attention with dance moves that emphasize the skill they necessitate - that is, moves that make their technical difficulty visible to the audience - he dances subtly and smoothly, so that the audience perceives his performance to be effortless. (In fact, this demands even more effort - imagine trying to complete a difficult move, all the while revealing no physical or mental exertion.)

In this way, he is deflecting (pushing away) the type of attention his ability is capable of garnering. He's so good he could demand the audience's complete attention, but chooses instead to let it linger on the dance itself.

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