Learn English – Hour minute format pluralization in a specific context


Check the following screens:


you can see that I'm not consistent with the hour format.

My question is that can I use the following format? Is it correct?

"1h 1min" and "2h 2min" in the outer circle screenshoot 1 or should I pluralize like "2hrs 2mins"
the same as the inner circle,
"1hour 1minute" and "2hour 2minute" or do you think the pluralized form is better or sime kind of other form?
My question is the same for screenshoot 2.

According to this thread there is no pluralization in SI.

What do you think?

Best Answer

I'm not sure whether the question is about abbreviations or full words. If the latter, I'd go with "one hour one minute" and "two hours two minutes". If the former, well... my guess is both are correct so long as you're consistent. I'd prefer "2hr2min". You know, "abbreviation" comes from Latin brevis, i.e. "short", so - as the meaning is clear - you should go with the simpler form. Having said that, I realized I tend to use "yrs" :) Maybe it's the question of how much space you have?

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