Learn English – “How are Mike and Chris?” vs. “How is Mike and Chris?”


Which one of the following is correct? I think the first, but many people use the second as well.

  1. How are Mike and Chris?
  2. How is Mike and Chris?

Best Answer

The first is correct.

In general, the second would not be considered correct grammar. But it can be meaningful English, and from that point of view, correct.

The second can be correct in that sense, if what is meant by "Mike & Chris" is the couple (pair). The second then has the meaning of asking about the status of that couple, in other words, asking about the relationship between Mike and Chris.

In this context, "How is Mike & Chris" is really an informal, shortened way of asking "How is the thing that folks refer to as 'Mike & Chris' doing these days?"

Such a treatment can be ironic, humorous, or mean. A stronger form of mockery might be "How is the Mike-and-Chris show, these days"?