Learn English – How ‘HOW’ change the meaning of the Twinkle song


I'm a Spanish speaker so this makes me confused. In the song, Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

I would understand

I wonder what you are! ==> Me pregunto que eres (seras)!

But they add HOW before. And I can't find something similar to translate to.

How I wonder what you are!

Google translator doesn't make sense to me:

¡Cómo me pregunto lo que eres!

With these two it doesn't have any problem.

Are you sure? ==> Esta usted seguro?
How are you sure? ==> Como esta usted seguro?

So what is the meaning of that sentence?
Is wondering how become what is now?

Best Answer

Adding to @HotLick's great answer, the adverb how (See No. 3 definition) can be used as a modifier to

indicate surprise, delight, or other strong feelings.


It has two usages as follows:

  1. It modifies other adjectives or adverbs as in

How very interesting!

How wonderful it was to receive your invitation.‎

How seldom I go there!

  1. It modifies the entire sentence as in:

How it rains! (It rains a lot.)

How I envy you! (I envy you a lot.)

How I wish to go to Paris! (I really want to go to Paris, but I can't.)

How do you like that! (You seem to like that a lot. I am surprised.)

"How I wonder what you are!" means "I wonder what you are a lot (or very often)."

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