Learn English – How much use did the word ‘delete’ get before the technological boom


For as long as I can remember, I've only used the word 'delete' in a technological context. I'm fairly certain, most kids–or the generation before them–know exactly what the word means.

Did this word get much use in other literary works?

Best Answer

Etymology online offers the following:


late 15c., "destroy, eradicate," from L. deletus, pp. of delere "destroy, blot out, efface," from delevi, originally perf. tense of delinere "to daub, erase by smudging" (as of the wax on a writing table), from de- "from, away" (see de-) + linere "to smear, wipe" (see lime (1)). In English, specifically of written matter, from c.1600. Related: Deleted; deleting.

(and related)


typographer's direction to blot out a letter, from L. dele, imperative singular of delere (see delete).