Learn English – How should I shorten this sentence


In an email, I would like to write the following sentence:

The weight of services given by
Company B is not less than the weight of services given by Company

I want to shorten the sentence, but I'm not sure if this is correct:

The weight of services given by
Company B is not less than Company

What are my options for explaining this with just one sentence?

To make the context more clear: Company A and Company B are two partner firms in the same sector sharing the revenues according to specific conditions. They can merge or split in the near future. The aim of this sentence is to emphasize that the service quantity of Company B is larger than or (at worst) equal to the service quantity of Company A.

Best Answer

I like Jimi Oke's shortest suggestion, but I will also add one further minor tweak:

The weight of services given by Company B is no less than that of Company A.

"No less than" is a better idiom for expressing "at least equal to".

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