Learn English – How should I use the phrasal verb “to d**k around”


  1. To waste time

    • Stop dicking me around and get to the point.
    • Would you please stop dicking around with her?
  2. To take advantage of

    • You're dicking him around, you know?
    • Don't dick around with her.

As far as I know, this meaning can be used with this structure dick someone around and dick around with someone.

My actual question is about the structure. If dick someone around and dick around with someone could be used with the example meanings. I didn’t type any more meanings because I only know these meanings.

Best Answer

Slang statements are colorful because they use non-standard word meanings but can be understood by the context of the sentence. So in the case of slang, you cannot say if a meaning is "correct" only if the meaning can be understood.

In this case I would say the meaning is pretty clear, for example you can replace "dick" with just about anything and not lose the meaning of the sentence. The fact that "dick" is somewhat vulger makes the point stronger but I would say the meaning is still clear with innocuous or made-up words.

Stop booking me around and get to the point.

Would you please stop flipping around with her?

You're bluzzering him around, you know?

Don't zing around with her.