Learn English – How strong/vulgar is using “to bitch” in the meaning of “to complain”


I understand that calling a woman a bitch is a very strong language. However, is the word vulgar per se? Specifically, when used as a verb to bitch in the meaning of to complain (see What's the meaning of "bitching"?), is it also so strong? Could you use it in front of your grandmother? 🙂

ADDED: Is it acceptable to use it towards kids?

As a parent:

Stop bitching about the food.

As a teacher:

If you keep bitching about the homework, I'll give you even more.

As a bonus, could you place here some examples of to bitch in the above mentioned meaning so the wider context (such as prepositions which may follow etc.) is made apparent?

Best Answer

It is somewhat vulgar and I wouldn't use it in front of my grandmother.

Anything you can follow 'talk' with, you can follow 'bitch' (in the verb sense) with:

That guy is always bitching about his job

Don't come bitching to me about your job

And so on...

In reference to your edit:

A teacher certainly wouldn't use it, and neither would a responsible parent (of younger children - teenagers perhaps). While it's relatively mild, it is still something of an expletive.

In short, you wouldn't use it in any polite conversation. You would only use it a situation where you would otherwise be comfortable cursing/swearing.