Learn English – How to describe students who don’t study hard


I want to describe a situation here:

The students who study hard usually get better grade, but in contrast the students who didn't study hard usually get poor grade.

However, I don't want to use "the students who didn't study hard" to depict the other students.(Because lots of vocabularies repeat again.)

Any alternatives?

Best Answer

You could use lackadaisical in the sense of not really paying attention or caring:

From Oxford English Dictionary (OED):

lackadaisical, adj.

full of vapid feeling or sentiment; affectedly languishing. Said of persons, their behaviour, manners, and utterances.

In use:

The students who study hard usually get better grades, but in contrast the lackadaisical students usually get poor grades.

Or you could try laggard in the sense of lagging behind from OED:

laggard, adj. and n.

Lagging, hanging back, loitering, slow. Chiefly of living things, their actions, and attributes.

One who lags behind; a lingerer, loiterer.

In use:

The students who study hard usually get better grades, but in contrast the laggards usually get poor grades.