Learn English – How to end one-word sentences like “done”


How do we end one-word sentences? Should there be a full stop or another punctuation mark? or can I just use it without any punctuation mark?

I usually say "Done." in response to emails where I'm requested to do something. For example, when I'm asked to do a translation I would just reply "Translation done!" instead of writing "The translation has been done." is that grammatically correct?

Best Answer

"Done." is a completely valid and grammatically correct "sentence." Technically a sentence must contain a subject and a verb, but the subject is implied and understood from the preceding discussion.

"Translation done." is not grammatically correct. At this point, I think it would be expected that you have a verb to complete the sentence. You sort of have to commit to one or the other.

After the comments, I'm updating this to explain why I would not say "Translation done." I've always been taught that "done," as a past participle, should not occur without an auxiliary verb. The exception provided for one-word sentences is accepted by most. But by adding another word without a verb it becomes a fragment, not a special type of sentence. If you find that acceptable, use it!

To me, "Translation done" is no more correct than the following:

I done.

It done.

We done.

"Mission accomplished" is a complete sentence, not a fragment.

None of this is to say that the recipient of your email wouldn't understand what you meant. In an office setting, I wouldn't hesitate using "Translation done." But I would do so knowing it was not grammatically correct.

But to your question, you can use any punctuation available to you in normal sentences.

  1. Period


  2. Exclamation point


  3. Question mark


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