Learn English – How to explain sorting by time descending in colloquial English


I am writing a program where I need to ask if the user would like to sort the results by time ascending or descending. The program manages appointments.

So if time were sorted ascending, the appointments coming next/soonest would be displayed first. If sorted descending, the appointments furthest in the future would be displayed first.

My question is, how do I put this simply, in just a few words. I need everything to fit on one line so it is really a character limitation of about 30-40 chars (including spaces).
As an example, for sorting by name alphabetically (in order and reverse) I have:

To sort A-Z: ' and 'To sort Z-A: '

So I was thinking of trying to use 'To sort by SOONEST' by then what is the opposite? FURTHEST doesn't make sense, and furthest in the future is too long.
Am I missing something obvious here? Thanks for your help!

Best Answer

Sort in chronological order. I am almost sure this question has been asked several times, let me find the link.

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