Learn English – How to know how to pronounce an “-e” ending based on spelling


I’ve always wondered how the -e word ending should be pronounced:

  1. For example (correct me if I’m wrong), the words apache, Adobe, Skype, etc. have the -e ending pronounced like in the word be.

  2. However (again, correct me if needed), the words bite, Cheyenne, Bourne have a silent -e at the end.

Is there a way to guess the pronunciation, or do you just need to know it?

Best Answer

The ‘e’ of Skype is not pronounced. In apache and Adobe it’s pronounced /i:/, that is, like the vowel sound in ‘sea’. The pronunciation of proper nouns cannot be predicted, but in common nouns, a terminal ‘e’ often indicates the way in which a preceding vowel is to be pronounced. The ‘e’ of bite, for example, shows that it is pronounced differently from bit.