Learn English – How to pronounce “miracle”


I ask this because I recently had a debate with my family about how to pronounce this word, miracle. They said it was pronounced with the "mir" in miracle the same way "mir" is in mirror. (/ˈmɪɹəkəl/).

Whereas I said the "mir" was pronounced like "mer" in merry (/ˈmɛɹəkəl/). So, I consulted an online dictionary to prove my point, and the pronunciation guide clearly showed their way of saying miracle, but the spoken pronunciation to my ear clearly was saying it the way I thought it should be said, though they heard it their way.

So, I looked again and found this dictionary that has the pronunciation spelled out their way, but the UK vocal pronunciation clearly sounds like my way, while the US pronunciation clearly sounds like theirs.

Meanwhile, these dictionaries have pronunciation spelled out their way, but the accompanying vocal pronunciation widget clearly sounds like my way, though they still say they hear it their way. Example.
I'd post more sources, but I need more reputation points. Others have their (my family's) pronunciation spelled out and the vocalization corresponds, but by far the more common scenario is my family's pronunciation being spelled out, but mine being the spoken one.

The only dictionary I've seen that offers the pronunciation guide that I think is correct is Wiktionary (again, can't post link yet), though I'm more skeptical of that source.

So, which is correct? /ˈmɪɹəkəl/ or /ˈmɛɹəkəl/? Or is it just a matter of US vs UK English, and I've unknowingly been using the UK pronunciation (according to Cambridge dictionary) my whole life despite being born and raised in the US?

Best Answer

I say the i in miracle the same as the i in 'tin' and 'miss'. If I'm honest, I have to admit I tend to pronounce the a in the same way.

In my mind's ear, Jimmy Stewart (US actor) says something like "Waal, that would take some kind of merical" in pretty much every movie he's in ;) . For me, i pronounced like the e in 'get' is classic US.