Learn English – How to pronounce the combination of a regnal name/number and a dynasty name


I know how to pronounce a regnal name with a regnal number after it, like Elizabeth I ("Elizabeth the First") or Charles IV ("Charles the Fourth"). But sometimes I see the regnal name/number followed by a dynasty name, like Elizabeth II Windsor or Nicholas II Romanov. There are also similar names that seem to be honorific, like Antiochus IV Epiphanes or Ptolemy VI Philometor, although maybe that's just a Greek thing.

My question is, how do I say these names when speaking aloud? For example, is Elizabeth II Windsor pronounced:

  • Elizabeth the Second Windsor?
  • Elizabeth the Second of Windsor?
  • Elizabeth the Second of House Windsor?
  • Elizabeth Windsor the Second?

Does the answer vary for different monarchies? Do honorific names like Antiochus IV Epiphanes work the same way?

Best Answer

From an English perspective I have not come across this notation. However, the British monarchy do not have surnames per say, but rather belong to a "house".

If I had to speak this statement I would probably say:

Elizabeth the Second of the Royal House of Windsor.