Learn English – How to tell the difference between proper nouns and regular nouns (in certain ambiguous cases)


"In the Eden story, The Snake engages Eve in dialog."

IN this sentence, should the word "Snake" be capitalized? Should the word "The" be capitalized?

I assume that only if "The Snake" is a proper noun it gets capitalized, am I correct?

How do I know if "The Snake" is a proper noun or a regular noun?

Best Answer

The author of the passage determines if "snake" is a proper noun, that is, if the snake's name is The Snake. If it is then "The Snake" should be capitalized. If, instead, it could be any snake, but happens to be this one, and the snake's name is actually Bob, but that isn't important enough to even note, the author may write "the snake said ...".

Note: The Snake might have multiple names, but if the author puts the capital letter on Snake then that is a signal to the reader that this snake is important, and indeed later if you see the words "The Snake" in the same work you might infer that it is the same snake.


"the architect [who designed this building] was either a certified genius or authentic wacko."

(any architect)

"I am the Architect. I created the Matrix."

(character is named the Architect)