Questions – How to Unambiguously Ask a Question with ‘OR’


I want to ask a question about a piece of text.

Is the text about McDonalds Corporation or McDonalds Products?

I want the answer to be "Yes"/"No", rather than "McDonalds Corporation"/"McDonalds Products."

How do I ask the question unambiguously? Should I start with "Answer Yes or No:"?

Best Answer

One way would be to prefix the answer selection with "Answer Yes or No". However, I would recommend the following:

Is this question about either McDonalds Corporation or McDonalds Products?

The word either suggests that either of the two options is accessible, which in the context of a yes/no question forces the interpretation that you desire.

If there are three or more things, try "any of":

Is this question about any of apples, pears, or pineapples?