Learn English – “I don’t recommend …” vs “I recommend we don’t …”


[This question comes from a sentence I read in a book. Anathem, if you must know.]

I'm a native English speaker (California style) and I understand what the semantic difference between "I don't recommend we [do something]" vs. "I recommend we don't [do the same thing]".

But I'm sort of vague on what the impact of those two different ways of saying almost the same thing are … I'm not sure of the proper terminology … but how does the phrasing change the emphasis or something about how you feel about the remark. I'm going back and forth on which one is … stronger? more ironic? more dismissive? Something. I'm not sure.

How would you characterize the difference between these two phrasings? (To make this not a subjective question, consider what rule is it I could use to pick between the two phrasings were I writing a book…)

Best Answer

I believe "I recommend we don't" is a stronger statement against the action. It implies that doing the thing would be bad or incorrect.

"I don't recommend" means that you're not in favor of taking the action, but you're not taking a stand against it, either.

For example:

I don't recommend voting for the Libertarian candidate, as you'd be wasting your vote. But I recommend you don't vote for Donald Trump, because he would be a horrible President.