Learn English – I often say to people ”you’re feeling all made up” when they are really happy about the outcome of a situation, where does this saying come from


I often use the phrase ''you feel made up'' or ''all made up'' when someone feels really happy or pleased about the outcome of something or how things have gone. Where does the meaning for this come from?

Best Answer

The OED unfortunately does not tell us, though in its entry for "made-up":


a. Irish English and Brit. regional (esp. Liverpool). Surprised and delighted; very pleased, thrilled.

b. Irish English (regional). Of a person: assured of success or happiness; lucky, set-up (cf. made adj. 6a).

we find a reference to made", meaning 6a, which is:


a. Of a person: having his or her success in life (happiness, etc.) assured. Chiefly in a made man .