Learn English – “I remember the advice he gave to me” Why add preposition to


While I was reading a book, I stumbled upon a sentence "I remember the advice he gave to me".

From my understanding, give can be used in two ways.

First. Give + IO + DO. For example, "He gave me an answer."

Second. Give + DO + to IO. For example, "He gave a book to Jane."

So, I thought the correct sentence should be
"I remember the advice he gave me"
But the sentence includes preposition "to".
Which one is right? And why is it?

Best Answer

Sometimes the 'to' is necessary to avoid confusion. Bad example: "He gave her it." Was she given to it, or was it given to her? "He gave it to her" is clear. In the imperative, we would not say, "Give me it." "Give it to me, please" is better. I see both "I remember the advice he gave me" and "I remember the advice he gave to me" as perfectly acceptable. I would likely use the former if that was the end of the sentence, but I would probably use the latter if there were more to say: "I remember the advice he gave to me many years ago" or "...to me when I was your age."

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