Learn English – Idiom about something being very different


I need an idiom for two things being very different in amount (price) for negotiating.

I’m trying to remember something along the lines of moon and ground/sky and ground, but I can’t remember the exact idiom/phrase.

The point is to highlight two prices being very different (one very high the other one very low)

Tried googling it but found nothing.

It’s really simple I just can’t remember it.

Ideas guys?

EDIT: context, I want to say “The price is negotiable, as long as it’s not ________ and __________, where the first is something really high and the other one is something really low, to highlight the difference.
Hopefully that make it clearer.

Best Answer

Two contrasting idioms are "sky high" and "dirt cheap". Would you consider using these two? Each is short, and they can be easily used together. Both match your description (except for the moon part). Both are frequently used in "price negotiations" as well.

"You're not fooling me with fast talk. The price you want is not "dirt cheap", it's "sky high" for sure. Get it lower - then and I might take the bait."



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