Learn English – idiom for proceeding slowly and with difficulty


Is there an idiom I could use if I wanted to say that
someone is doing something with a lot difficulty and slowly?

I cannot think of anything.

Edit from comment:

For example: You have learnt a lot of things and you will sail through the exams. Your lazy friends on the contrary will slog their way through it.

Is there an expression I can use instead of slog to convey a similar meaning?

Best Answer

Wading through treacle gets several hits on line

If the effort is doomed to failure it can be described as a Sisyphean task


Merriam Webster Definition of SISYPHEAN : of, relating to, or suggestive of the labors of Sisyphus

SISYPHUS : a legendary king of Corinth condemned eternally to repeatedly roll a heavy rock up a hill in Hades only to have it roll down again as it nears the top